Paper: Ivanovic et al 2013 Ocean Mod

Title: The parameterisation of Mediterranean–Atlantic water exchange in the Hadley Centre model HadCM3, and its effect on modelled North Atlantic climate

For a fuller description of the paper itself, go to the end of this web page.

Each simulation published in this paper corresponds to a unique 5 or 6 character code on the web pages.
The following table lists the name of the simulation as used in the paper, and the corresponding code name

The webpage gives you the ability to examine the published simulations, but you can also download the raw (netcdf) files to perform your own analysis. Detailed instructions on how to use the webpages and access the data can be found here: Using_BRIDGE_webpages.pdf

There are three main simulations compared in this experiment; the control (diffusive pipe) simulation and two open seaway simulations; a Narrow Open and Wide Open Gibraltar Straits. There is another simulation (not explicitly referred to) with blocked Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange.

You can have make you own analysis and plots by going here

Simulation Name as in PaperSimulation name on web pages
Pre-Industrial HadCM3 control simulation; pipetcvmb2
Narrow Open Seaway simulation; NOStcvme2
Wide Open Seaway simulation; WOStcxzz2
Simulation same as the control, but with NO Mediterranean-Atlantic exchangetcvsr2

This is a fuller description of paper

This paper tests the standard HadCM3 diffusive pipe parameterisation for Mediterranean-Atlantic water exchange versus two open seaway configurations to see how North Atlantic Ocean circulation and global-scale climate are affected by the chosen method of exchange representation

NameIvanovic et al
Brief DescriptionThis paper tests the standard HadCM3 diffusive pipe parameterisation for Mediterranean-Atlantic water exchange versus two open seaway configurations to see how North Atlantic Ocean circulation and global-scale climate are affected by the chosen method of exchange representation
Full Author ListRuza F. Ivanovic, Paul J. Valdes, Rachel Flecker, Lauren J. Gregoire, Marcus Gutjahr
TitleThe parameterisation of Mediterranean–Atlantic water exchange in the Hadley Centre model HadCM3, and its effect on modelled North Atlantic climate
JournalOcean Modelling
Contact's NameRuza Ivanovic
AbstractMultiple palaeo-proxy and modelling studies suggest that Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is an important driver of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), particularly during periods of weak overturning. Here, we employ the HadCM3 ocean–atmosphere General Circulation Model (GCM) to investigate the effect of using different parameterisations of Mediterranean–Atlantic water exchange on global ocean circulation and climate. In HadCM3, simulating flow through the Gibraltar Straits with an open seaway rather than a diffusive pipe causes a shoaling and strengthening of the MOW plume. This reorganises shallow Atlantic circulation, producing regional surface air temperature anomalies of up to + 11 °C and −7.5 °C. We conclude that when investigating the influence of MOW on modelled ocean circulation and climate, an accurate parameterisation of Mediterranean–Atlantic exchange is important and should match observed fresh water and salinity flux constraints. This probably cannot be achieved through a simple diffusive pipe with depth invariant mixing coefficient.